Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Testlink installation On Linux

TestLink is a web application.It provides a private website to an individual or a set of requested users belonging to the same company/project. TestLink can be run at the server side.
TestLink is a PHP based application and supports all OS platforms such as Windows, Linux of different versions, MAC, etc.

System requirements:

TestLink supports all famous browsers such as Chrome, IE, Mozilla, and Safari.

The web server should support PHP. It can be installed as CGI or any other integration technology. It is recommended to use 5.3.8 PHP version.

Mandatory PHP Extensions
Extensions for RDBMS are mysqli, pgsql, oci8, sqlsrv. Mbstring is required for Unicode – UTF-8 support.

Web Server
TestLink supports Apache and Later Versions. Currently installed version is Apache/2.4.39.

Database server
MySQL 10.4.6-MariaDB

Operating systems
Linux x86-64 bit.

Download Required Softwares:

Go to site and Click Win/Mac/Linux

It displays Download links for testlink stack and click Download for Linux 64-bit

Testlink file downloaded like this with version ""

Give executable permission 

chmod 755


Run software like below

It will pop up with GUI installation

Click OK

Click Next

Click Next

Check installation location and Click Next

Provide Requested details and Click Next

Select Apache port (in my case already 80 in use) and Click Next

Select Apache SSL port (in my case already 443 in use) and Click Next

Select Mysql port (in my case already 3306 in use) and Click Next

Select radio button if you want mail support otherwise deselect and Click Next

Provide mail id , password and Click Next

Untick radio button and Click Next

Click Next to Install Testlink

It will take 10-15 min  to installation

Click Finish. It Displays Testlink stack, we can manage mysql and Apache from console.

Now Testlink installation Completed Successfully. Page looks like below.

Testlink url in our case;


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