Thursday, May 12, 2016

To enable the tab you should have a valid SLM License in R12.1


When attempting to create a new supplier or update an existing supplier, the following error occurs:


To enable the tab you should have a valid SLM License


Please do one of the following:

A.  Perform the following workaround:

Please ensure you have the following function setup for the responsibility encountering this error.

Resp: System Administrator
Nav: Security-Responsibility-Define
Query the responsibility you are using.

Make note of the Menu

Nav: Application-Menu
Query the menu from A.

Does the Function=Create/Update Suppliers from SLM Home Page exist there?

If not check the sub-menu which you have setup to access the suppliers. ie.AP_SUPPLIERS_GUI12

Add the Function=Create/Update Suppliers from SLM Home Page, then re-test your issue.

- OR -

B.  Apply the following patch for Fix:

1. Download and review the "Readme" instructions for:

R12.1.x users: Patch 21954436:R12.POS.B 

2. Apply this patch in a Non prod environment.

3. Confirm the following file version(s) in your test instance: pos java/supplier/webui 120.13.12010000.52

4. Retest the issue.

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