Thursday, May 12, 2016

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded


SQL> select name,height,lf_rows,del_lf_rows,(del_lf_rows/lf_rows)*100 as ratio from index_stats where name like 'FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8';

NAME                               HEIGHT    LF_ROWS DEL_LF_ROWS      RATIO
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8                     3    7729513     6882517 89.0420522

SQL> alter index APPLSYS.FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8 rebuild online;
alter index APPLSYS.FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8 rebuild online
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded


SQL> alter index APPLSYS.FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8 rebuild;

Index altered.

SQL> select name,height,lf_rows,del_lf_rows,(del_lf_rows/lf_rows)*100 as ratio from index_stats where name like 'FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8';

NAME                               HEIGHT    LF_ROWS DEL_LF_ROWS      RATIO
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------
FND_LOG_MESSAGES_N8                     3     847078           0          0


The online rebuild of the index creates a journal table and index. This internal journal IOT table contains more columns in its index. This is a feature of online rebuild. This time the error arises because that current value of the initialization parameter db_block_size is not large enough to create internal journal IOT.

Transaction Processor error No concurrent manager is defined to process this request, so it cannot be processed.


Transaction processor error  No concurrent manager is defined to process this request,so it cannot be processed
Contact your system administrator to define a concurrent manager to process this request or to verify that existing concurrent managers have the correct specialization rules


Please try below solutions it should work.

The issue comes up when the user tries to process a group of records say 5 but if he just transacts one record the transaction goes though fine.

Check below profile option 

Concurrent:TM Transport Type value should be 'QUEUE'. if value is different change value to 'QUEUE'.

System Administrator  -> Profile -> System 

 'Concurrent:TM Transport Type' = QUEUE 


 Setup is no configured correctly..
 Error was due to the ‘Standard’ Data group attached to Responsibility, from where Transaction Manager is scheduled/Active.

 On Changing its Value to Custom Datagroup ‘EMR Standard’, now Transactions are Processed.
 As per Logic, Data Group attached to Responsibility from where Transaction Managers are scheduled/Active/Run should be same with Data group of Concurrent Manager ‘Receiving Transaction Manager’.

Ref note: 2039758.1

To enable the tab you should have a valid SLM License in R12.1


When attempting to create a new supplier or update an existing supplier, the following error occurs:


To enable the tab you should have a valid SLM License


Please do one of the following:

A.  Perform the following workaround:

Please ensure you have the following function setup for the responsibility encountering this error.

Resp: System Administrator
Nav: Security-Responsibility-Define
Query the responsibility you are using.

Make note of the Menu

Nav: Application-Menu
Query the menu from A.

Does the Function=Create/Update Suppliers from SLM Home Page exist there?

If not check the sub-menu which you have setup to access the suppliers. ie.AP_SUPPLIERS_GUI12

Add the Function=Create/Update Suppliers from SLM Home Page, then re-test your issue.

- OR -

B.  Apply the following patch for Fix:

1. Download and review the "Readme" instructions for:

R12.1.x users: Patch 21954436:R12.POS.B 

2. Apply this patch in a Non prod environment.

3. Confirm the following file version(s) in your test instance: pos java/supplier/webui 120.13.12010000.52

4. Retest the issue.